Anti-Slavery Policy
Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of human rights. It takes many forms, including slavery, forced labour and human trafficking. These crimes are dehumanizing and deprive a person’s liberty and freedom by another, in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain.
Aykroyd and Sons Ltd take a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships, as well as implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure modern slavery does not exist anywhere in our business or supply chain.
Transparency is of key importance and we are committed to ensuring transparency in our own business and supply chain in accordance with our disclosure obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Our supply chain must adhere to our high ethical standards and Code of Conduct for Suppliers and we prohibit the use of forced, compulsory, or trafficked labour, or slavery, whether adults or children, across our supply chain. It is a requirement that our Suppliers abide to the same ethical values and high standards. We will not work with any person or organization that does not comply.
This Policy applies to every part of our business and supply chain. This includes, employees at all levels, directors, office staff, agency workers, contractors and our supply chain.
Modern Slavery Policy
Opening Statement from Senior Management
Aykroyd and Sons Ltd is committed to ensuring our business and supply chain reflect our ethical values and respect for human rights and we endeavor to provide an ethical and respectful workplace for all employees. We have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking and are committed to the abolishment of modern slavery in line with the principles of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. These principles are supported and communicated through our own policies which include Aykroyd and Sons Ltd Code of Conduct, Whistleblowing Policy and Anti Bribery & Corruption Policy.
This Policy statement demonstrates our actions and activities that embed our commitment to tackling modern slavery and human trafficking during the financial year of 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023.
Aykroyd and Sons Ltd
Aykroyd and Sons Ltd are a family run business established in Manchester in 1918. With over 100 years of experience, Aykroyd and Sons Ltd are industry leaders in the design and manufacture of licensed nightwear, swimwear and daywear. With long standing expertise on garments we are proud to have built strong working relationships with retail and wholesale customers and we are proud of the partnerships we have built with world famous Licensors and Licensing organizations.
We strive to deliver garments and services of excellent quality whilst maintaining our Corporate Social Responsibilities. To support this commitment, we promote transparency in our business and supply chain as per the Modern Slavery Act (Section 54) 2015.
Definition of Modern Slavery
Aykroyd and Sons Ltd understand that modern slavery encompasses:
Human trafficking
Forced work through mental or physical threat
Being controlled by an employer through mental, physical or threat of abuse
To have restrictions placed on freedom of movement
Our Organizational structure and operations
Aykroyd and Sons Ltd head office is in Manchester. Our office in Leek specializes in adult nightwear and our Warehouse and Distribution unit is in Bala. Our sales operations mainly cover UK and EU markets and our supply chain is predominantly in India, Bangladesh, China and Turkey. Our commitment to tacking modern slavery encompasses all areas.
Our Supply Chain
Transparency is of key importance to ensure modern slavery does not occur within our supply chains. We are committed to mapping our supply chain and all Suppliers must share ethical audits annually to confirm ethical compliance and comply with our Code of Conduct.
Risk Assessment and Management
Aykroyd and Sons Ltd acknowledges our responsibilities to tackle modern slavery and will conduct ongoing reviews and risk assessments of our business and supply chain.
We consider the risk of modern slavery occurring within our business to be low. However, to mitigate potential risks, we carry out pre-employment checks and personnel recruited must have Right to Work in the UK status.
Although unlikely, if a case of modern slavery were to occur, employees can report concerns without fear of repercussions and are protected under our Whistleblowing Policy. Concerns will be taken seriously and our first action would be to contact the Modern Slavery Helpline or police and seek advice on how to proceed.
Our supply chain has been mapped to mitigate the risk of modern slavery happening. Suppliers must adhere to our Code of Conduct, undertake modern slavery awareness training and share annual ethical audits.
If it transpired modern slavery was taking place within our supply chain, we would address the issue immediately, ensure a corrective action plan is implemented and if necessary we would review our rights to terminate contracts as detailed in our Code of Conduct.
Embedding the Principles
Over the past year and we have communicated our modern slavey commitments within our business.
We have allocated personnel to manage our modern slavery commitments.
We have mapped and promoted transparency of our supply chain and Suppliers have shared ethical audits to confirm compliance.
Employees have attended modern slavery training.
Looking ahead
During 2023 to 2024 Aykroyd and Sons Ltd plan to carry out the following actions.
Continue to share our policies with UK offices and supply chain to ensure our ethical values and commitments are communicated and understood.
Highlight our commitment to employees that concerns of modern slavery will be taken seriously and protection will be given to employees who raise concerns.
Raise modern slavery awareness within our UK offices through our staff newsletter and highlight support available from the Modern Slavery Helpline, Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority UK and ‘Stronger Together’.
Promote modern slavery awareness throughout our supply chain.
Continue to map our supply chain and approve ethical audits before Suppliers enter the supply chain and seek to extend this commitment beyond Tier 1 and 2 sites.
This Policy statement demonstrates our commitment to tackling modern slavery and human trafficking during the financial year of 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023 and is subject to annual review.
This Policy statement has been approved by the board of directors of Aykroyd & Sons Ltd.
Environmental Policy Statement
Aykroyd and Sons Ltd recognize our responsibility to minimize the potential of causing harm to the environment. We strive to improve the environment through the careful consideration of design, selection of material and operational procedures throughout our supply chain.
Aykroyd and Sons Ltd are committed to work alongside our end customers enabling them to also achieve their Environmental goals and commitments.
The key points of our strategy to achieve this are outlined below:
Minimize waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible.
Source our product from suppliers who actively engage in reducing the environmental impact in their production processes.
Ensure our suppliers meet as a minimum the environmental legislation of their own country.
Actively promote recycling both internally and amongst our suppliers.
Environmental Policy
At Aykroyds and Sons Ltd we are committed to reducing our business impact on the environment. We aim to embed environmentally sustainable practices in both our own business and supply chain.
This Policy aims to incorporate the environmental commitments of our end customers as per Aykroyd and Sons Ltd code of conduct, it is mandatory for all suppliers to conform to our environmental requirements and standards.
We will regularly review our requirements and standards that align to this policy, updating and amending as necessary.
Our Environmental Management Program initially has 3 focus areas. We will use these to guide our approach to our supply chain.
Responsible Sourcing – We aim to ensure our suppliers buy materials from sustainable and traceable sources.
Chemicals and Pollution Management – We commit to work with our supply chain to achieve Zero use and Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals.
Resources and Waste – We will work with our customers in achieving their own targets to reduce the amount of non-renewable material in the products we supply.
Against each of these focus areas Aykroyds and Sons Ltd will outline specific requirements. It is a requirement that all suppliers engage in meeting the targets specified.